Saturday, October 10, 2009

In defense of a planned collapse of the economy and the dollar.


The point of the title is simple, "Would you rather have a planned collapse or an unplanned collapse". Some people like Martin Armstrong believe that a conspiracy theory can cloak a REAL issue. In many ways I agree and in some I don't. If the economic collapse has been a conspiritorial action it is now a nightmare for those "conspiritors". The Federal Reserve System, for the first time in it's life is fighting for it's very existence. The Treasury Department, or the first time in it's life, while giving lip service for a strong dollar, is pleading with the Chinese, Russian and the Japanese Central Banks to let the dollar go "limp". Why don't the Chinese, Russian and Japanese acquiese? Because it is not in their best interests. The planned collapse is a two way street and not all of the cars are from Detroit. If the currency collapses the creditors lose and the debtors win. In a real sense this is the essence of economic war. We devalue our dollar so they have to pay for our credit excesses.

Dr. Ron Paul has many good points to make, but if the Federal Reserve is abolished, there will be unintended consequences. The most foreseable is the FACT that this is a credit based economy, we are a fiat based consumerist nation. Our homes, economic, political systems and jobs exist because of borrowed money. If there is a unuplanned collapse the consequences will be unpredictable. So let us plan the collapse, it's better than the alternative.