Friday, October 9, 2009

OK, Who nominated Obama, ...Bibi Netanyahu?


I'm just kidding... but actually much of the world sees things quite differently than we do in America. Over there he is very popular because he wants to abolish nuclear weapons, stop the wars, close Gitmo and reduce America's dependence on Zionism. In America our controlled media, largely acting in an obsequious manner and showing servile deference to the wishes of the Military, Industrial and Congressional (M/I/C)complex, will not present the foreign view. Much of the world and many in America sees his Presidency as captive to the (M/I/C) influences as are the two major parties, the media and most voters. Many Americans, Europeans & Asians have been saddened to see America commit economic, political and moral suicide. The Nobel Prize may give them the sense that Obama, as Jeb Bush said, "He (Obama) is on the right track" None of this will happen during his Presidency nor during our lifetimes because these are lofty goals and are not easily accepted by the elitists of any nation, party or belief..

The President when given the authority by Congress may wage a just war, but he can't wage peace!!